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Huang Fang-Ping - Editor

Journal of Vaccines

Editor Name: Huang Fang-Ping

Designation: Associate Professor

University: The University of Hong Kong

Country: Hong Kong

Biography: I received my initial medical training in China (University of Shantou Medical College, 1977-82; STU First Teaching Hospital, 1983-87), and was awarded the Li Ka Sheng (LKS) Academic Foundation Fellowship to undertake postgraduate studies in the UK (University of Glasgow, 1987-90). I have subsequently become engaged in active immunology research and teaching in the University of Glasgow (1990-97), University of Oxford (1997-2000), University of Hong Kong (2000-7) and Imperial College London (2007-14). Currently, I am affiliated to the State Key Laboratory for Liver Research (SKLLR)/Pathology Department, LKS Medical Faculty, HKU (since July 2014).

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