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Editor Name: Hosam Bayoumi Hamuda

Designation: Professor

University: Óbuda University

Country: Hungary


Dr. Habil Hosam Bayoumi Hamuda is a professor at Óbuda University. He is Environmental Microbiologist and Soil Biotechnologist dealing with the interactions between the microbiomes and the environment for increasing soil quality and saving the soil from pollutants as well as how benefits of using the wastewater sewage sludge in agriculture. His investigations are on the role of waste management, on soil quality, fertility, crop production, and environmental impacts related to the application of organic wastes to the soil to assess: Soil quality, microbial inoculants; nitrification inhibitors and crop quality; monitorization of organic matter; measurements of rhizosphere and soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activities in wastewater sludge amended soils; root systems and microbial composition in the polluted environment and roles of engineered metal oxide nanoparticles in the biosphere.

Research Interests
  • Soil Biotechnology
  • Soil Protection
  • Soil Sustainable
  • Soil Biodiversity
  • Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizomicrobiota (PGPR)
  • Colonization of PGPR microbial inoculants in rhizosphere
  • Econanotoxicology

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision