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Editor Name: Hongzhuan Wu

Designation: Professor

University: Alabama State University

Country: USA

Biography: Dr. Hongzhuan Wu received his DVM and MS degrees from Yangzhou University. Dr.Wu received his Ph.D. in Immunology and Pathology at South China Agricultural University /College of Veterinary Medicine; He was then a postdoctoral fellow with Dr.Frederic C Leung in the University of Hong Kong Department of Zoology, and British Houghton trust grant scholar, Canada visiting scholar, and a research scientist with Dr. Joseph J Giambrone at Auburn University. He was a tenured associate professor at China in 1999. He joined Alabama State University in 2004 as a postdoctoral research associate. He serves as an Assistant Professor of Biology from 2007.

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Editor Name: Hongzhuan Wu

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Alabama State University

Country: USA

Biography: Hongzhuan wu is a Hongzhuan wu at Alabama State University, USA.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision