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Hazim Abdul-Rahman Jumma Alhiti - Editor

Journal of Case Reports and Studies

Editor Name: Hazim Abdul-Rahman Jumma Alhiti

Designation: Surgeon

University: Hit (Heet) General Hospital

Country: Iraq

Biography: Hazim Abdul Rahman Alhiti completed his Higher Diploma (General Surgery) from Tikrit Medical College in 2013, MD (General Surgery) from Baghdad, Mosul in 2016. From 2000-2009, he worked at Arrmadi teaching hospital Hit ( Heet), from 2009-2014 at Al-Jumhoori teaching hospital thereafter from 2014-2016 at Al-Furat teaching hospital and currently (since 2017) working at Hit (Heet) General Hospital as a General Surgeon Specialist M.D. He is certified by Publons academy and Elsevier researcher academy. He has been invited as a lecturer numerous times by hospitals. He has attended several conferences. He has published 6 articles and serving as an Editor and Reviewer for several Journals. He has also published a book under the title “Critical nursing care in surgery and medicine methodical thesis for nursing students” in 2021 and his another book “Diabetic foot” is under publication.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision