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Editor Name: Hakima Mokrane

Designation: Astronomer

University: University of Bordeaux

Country: France

Biography: Dr. HakimaMokrane is a researcher in laboratory astrophysics & astrochemistry and now a Deep Learning scientist, she designs algorithms for solving AI problems. She graduated from Orsay university with a master (Joint Honours) Physics and Chemistry, before completing her PhD (in molecular astrophysics & laboratory astrophysics) at Paris observatory and CergyUniversity. Her interests span "all things ice", looking at how solid state materials play a role in the processes of star and planet formation. She combines laboratory experiments with major facilities use, to understand the roll of ice in interstellar chemistry and planet forming collisions, and exploit molecular dynamics simulations to understand the physical chemical properties of ice in space.and now she is designing algorithms to solve AI problems and is interested in the problems of machine learning and deep learning.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision