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Editor Name: Haim Abramovich

Designation: Head of Aerospace Structures Lab

University: Technion: Israel Institute of Technology

Country: Israel


Dr. Haim Abramovich is Head Aerospace Structures Lab at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Technion:  Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. He has Ph.D. in Aeronautical Eng., Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.

Research Interests:

·         Smart piezolaminated intelligent structures

·         Behavior of composite laminated structures

·         Stability and dynamics of thin walled structure

·         Initial imperfections of cylindrical shells (analytical and exp. studies)

·         Axial and lateral impact of structures

·         Wind turbines and energy conversion systems

·         Damage sensitivity of composite material structures

·         Thermal buckling of structures

·         Space structures behavior

·         Applications of finite element codes (Adina, ANSYS, ABAQUS) for design analysis

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision