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Editor Name: Giuseppe Zeepa

Designation: Professor

University: University of Turin

Country: Italy

Biography: The professor Giuseppe ZEPPA has born in the 1958 and in 1984 has graduated in Agricultural Science at University of Turin. Since 2010 is Assistant Professor at DISAFA (Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Science) - Food Technology Laboratory. He is author or co-author for more than 300 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed and national journals published in various disciplines of Food Science and Technology. The research activity is devoted to the study of wine, cheese and other food flavours, the study of relationship between technology and chemical/sensorial characteristics of foods, the use of gas/liquid-chromatography for food analysis, the food characterisation with sensory analysis, the consumer science, the extraction of bioactive compounds from plants, the production of functional foods. He is Editor of Journal of Food Quality, member of national society of food technology and reviewer of high quality top journals related to the food science

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision