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Editor Name: Giovanni Larciprete


University: FatebenefratelliIsola Tiberina Hospital

Country: Italy


Born in Rome, 6-1-1973. 
High School Classic Gymnasium with full votes (60/60), on 13-7-1992, in Rome, Liceo Augusto
Medical School in Tor Vergata University, Rome, with full votes graduation (110 e lode) with thesis on “Hyperinsulinaemia in pregnancy and development of Preclampsia, on 23-7-1997. 
Residency in Obst/Gyn in Tor Vergata University, Rome, with graduation with full votes  with thesis entitled: fetal subcutaneous tissue thickness and new models for a birthweight prediction algorithm,on 25/11/2002. 
PhD in Perinatal Medicine in Tor Vergata University (Rome) with thesis entitled: scientific production of a PhD, on  23-11-2007. 
Consultant in FBF Hospital, Rome, Obst/Gyn dept. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision