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Editor Name: Florian Ploberger

Designation: Lecturer

University: University of Vienna

Country: Vienna


Florian Ploberger (MD, BAc, MA), Austria, pursues international interdisciplinary and university teaching activities. He is president of the ÖAGTCM, and has been entrusted by the Men-Tsee-Khang (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology in Dharamsala, North India) to translate the most significant work of Tibetan Medicine (rgyud bzhi).

"Executive Committee Member" of the WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies). Director of "Alliance of Research and Development of Traditional Medicine, Complementary Medicine and Integrative Medicine" of Fudan University in Shanghai. In 2018, he was appointed a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Chinese Medicine.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision