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Editor Name: Fatma Aykut Tonk

Designation: Associate professor

University: The University of Ege

Country: Turkey


Dr. Aykut Tonk is AssociateProfessor in theDepartment of FieldCrops at theUniversity of Ege.Dr. Aykut Tonkreceived her Ph.D in PlantBreedingandGeneticSciencesfrom Ege University in 2007, her M.S. in PlantBreedingandGeneticSciencesfrom Ege University in 2002and her B.S. in theDepartment of FieldCrops at theUniversity of Ege in 1998.Dr. Aykut Tonk is editor board of TurkishJournal of FieldCrops, AnnualResearch&Review in Biology, Plant Cell BiotechnologyandMolecularBiology.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision