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Fathy Kandeel El-Fiky - Editor

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Editor Name: Fathy Kandeel El-Fiky

Designation: Professor Emeritus Faculty of Pharmcy

University: University of Alexandria

Country: Egypt


•Medicinal Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture.
•Natural products: Isolation, characterization, structure elucidation and biotransformation using plant cell and microbial cultures.
•Cytotoxic assays of natural products and pure isolated chemicals against normal and transformed (cancerous) cells.
•Antiviral assays of natural products and pure chemicals against both DNA and RNA viruses.
•Antimicrobial assays of natural products and pure isolated chemicals.
•Antioxidant (Free Radical Scavenger) activity assays of natural products and pure chemicals.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision