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Editor Name: Fathollah Ommi

Designation: Professor

University: Tarbiat Modares University

Country: Iran


Dr. Fathollah Ommi working as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Member of Aerospace group of Tarbiat Modares University,
Honorary faculty member at University of Tehran and Aerospace Research Institute.
Research Fields 
Increasing the Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines through Changes in Type and Consumption of Fuel,
Reduction of Pollutants of Internal Combustion Engines of All Ttypes of Vehicles,
Conversion of Carburetor Engines to Injectors,
Design of the Single-base and Two-base Injector,
Designing Different Types of Nozzles,
Investigating the Issue of Fluid Propagation in an Aerosol in One Phase and Two Phase.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision