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Editor Name: Essa Georges Lwisa

Designation: Petroleum engineer/ SCAL and EOR expert

University: United Arab Emirates University

Country: United Arab Emirates


Essa Georges Lwisa is a petroleum engineer, has been working at the United Arab Emirates University- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering department since 2009 as a core analysis lab engineer, before that he worked at Core Laboratories Intl. for four years as a SCAL analyst. 
He also is a technical assessor in Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS), and a trainer at H&A Professional Development Advisory. 
He is an expert in core analysis, rock properties, formation evaluation, and enhanced oil recovery. 
Essa holds a master’s degreeof Science in Petroleum Engineering, International Institute of Management and Technical Studies, (2017); and a bachelor’s degreeof Science in Petroleum Engineering, Albaath University, Homs, Syria, (2002)

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision