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Editor Name: Esra Aydemir

Designation: Associate professor

University: Akdeniz University

Country: Turkey


Research Interests:
Studying the potential “cytotoxic, apoptotic and/or autophagic, antiangiogenic, metastatic and immunomodulatory effects” of the crude extracts, isolated compounds and chemical fractions of some selected endemic/non-endemic plants/herbs
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of antiapoptotic effects of some flavonoids on especially breast and lung cancer cell lines
Elucidating the signaling pathways that link inflammationto cancer
Elucidating the signaling pathways that link inflammation to cancer (The role of TNF- α, TGF-β, IL-2 and IL-10, and the NFΚB pathway)
Elucidating the link between central and peripheral nervous system (especially Substance P as a neurotransmitter) and oncogenesis.
Investigation of anticancer roles of some small peptides and their fragments (Substance P and its fragments like 6-11, 1-7, 9-11,etc.)
Studies related to the combination of different cancer treatments to increase their efficiency and to decrease the toxic side effects

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision