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Eric Francelino Andrade - Associate Editor

Journal of Food Technology

Editor Name: Eric Francelino Andrade

Designation: Adjunct Professor

University: Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys

Country: Brazil


Adjunct Professor in Animal Physiology and Scientific Methodology at the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, Institute of Agrarian Sciences, UnaĆ­ campus. PhD in Science (Physiology and Metabolism) at post-graduate program in Veterinary Science from the Federal University of Lavras. Master of Science (Physiology and Metabolism), in the area of Veterinary Sciences. Graduated in Physical Education (Degree), the Federal University of Lavras, where he participated in scientific projects in the Research Laboratory of Studies on Metabolism and Physical Activity, and was also CAPES scholarship holder by Institutional Scholarship Program Introduction to Teaching (PIBID).

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision