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Editor Name: Drouiche Nadjib

Designation: Researcher

University: Semiconductor Technology Research Center for Energetics

Country: Algeria

Biography: Nadjib DROUICHE is a senior researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Semi-Conduceurs pour l’Energetique (ALgeria). He is Head of the environmental team. His research interests include adsorption, membrane processes, electrochemical processes using sacrificial anodes, Advanced Oxidation Processes, and recovery of by-products from industrial waste. He has published more than100 papers in ISI-ranked journals with more than 1800 citations and his h-index is 27.Dr. Drouiche was awarded TWAS-ARO YAS Prize 2012: "Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region".

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision