Editor Name: Dimitris Drikakis
Designation: Professor
University: University of Nicosia
Country: Cyprus
Biography: Prof Dimitris Drikakis presently working as Professor, Vice President of Global Partnerships
Executive Director,Research & Innovation from 2018.
Completed his PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics NTUA4 from 1988-1991.
His research is multidisciplinary and covers topics of fluid dynamics (particularly compressible flows), computational fluid dynamics, acoustics, computational science, and nanotechnology (particularly fluid/solid interfaces). His work aims to address the reduction of uncertainty through a better understanding of computational science methods and the development of physics-based models. He has been active in both fundamental and applied research across Engineering and Applied Physics, including Aerospace, Mechanical, Nuclear (Defence and Fusion), and Oil and Gas Applications. His work has directly influenced areas as diverse as improved understanding of complex aerodynamic and gas dynamic flows, turbulent mixing in inertial confinement fusion, and novel gas filtration nanotechnologies using carbon nanotubes.