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Dennis Ken Bideshi - Editor

Journal of Clinical Research

Editor Name: Dennis Ken Bideshi

Designation: Professor

University: California Baptist University

Country: USA



HIs specific research interests are focused in three major areas: 1. understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for replication and biological diversity of large, circular double-stranded DNA, entomopathogenic viruses belonging in the family Ascoviridae and Baculoviridae; 2. understanding the genetic mechanisms responsible for the regulation of synthesis and crystallization of endotoxins in the entomopathogenic bacteria, including Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and B. sphaericus, with an applied emphasis; and 3. understanding the genetic basis for transfer of large toxigenic plasmids among environmental strains of B. thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis. Most of this work is done in collaboration with Dr. Brian A. Federici (University of California, Riverside, UCR), Dr. Hyun-Woo Park (CBU, UCR); Dr. Yves Bigot (UMR INRA-CNRS 7247, PRC, Centre INRA de Nouzilly, Francs), Dr. J. E. Barboza-Corona (University of Guanajuato, México), and Dr. Izabela Swiecicka (University of Bialystok, Poland).

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