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Editor Name: Denise Jean Estafan

Designation: Associate Professor

University: New York University College of Dentistry

Country: USA

Biography: Dr Denise Estafan graduated from Cairo University College of Dentistry in 1969. After graduation, Dr. Estafan practiced dentistry in a private general dentistry practice for two years. In 1978, Dr. Estafan was appointed instructor at Riyadh University and worked in the outpatient clinics in Ryiadh, Saudi Arabia until 1980. In 1984, Dr Estafan was appointed Assistant Clinical Professor to the Department of Operative Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. In 1993, Dr Estafan was appointed to the Division and Prosthodontic Sciences. Dr. Estafan is the author of over 32 publications/abstracts that have focused on dental materials relating to restorative dentistry and CAD/CAM technology. She has lectured nationally and internationally on these topics as well. Dr. Estafan presently holds the rank of Associate Professor and is the Director of Esthetic Dentistry in the Department of General Dentistry in the Division of Reconstructive and Comprehensive Care at New York University College of Dentistry.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision