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Editor Name: David A. Horowitz

Designation: Associate Chief Medical Officer and Associate Professor

University: University of Pennsylvania Health System

Country: USA

Biography: David A. Horowitz, MD is the Associate Chief Medical Officer for the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) and an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine. As Associate CMO for UPHS, David is involved in quality oversight and strategic planning for the Health System. He focuses on the arenas of Transitions-in-Care, Pay-for-Performance, and the coordination Unit-Based Clinical Leadership teams with the ambulatory and inter-entity components of UPHS. He also co-chairs UPHS’s Pharmacy Council and Medical-Legal Committee. David is a Penn lifer having graduated from the University, the School of Medicine, and the Internal Medicine Residency Program. He remains in active practice in Internal and has worked with the Health System administration for more than a decade guiding the development of multiple educational and clinical strategies. Dr. Horowitz is a frequent lecturer and the author of numerous manuscripts and chapters related to quality and internal medicine and is an editorial contributor to "American Journal of Preventive Medicine", the "Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management." and the American College of Physicians Complete Home Medical Guide.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision