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Cyprian Ogbonna Onyeji - Editor

Journal of Case Reports and Studies

Editor Name: Cyprian Ogbonna Onyeji

Designation: Professor

University: Obafemi Awolowo University

Country: Nigeria


Cyprian O. Onyeji became a professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in 1999. He has occupied various posts including Deanship of his Faculty. He was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Enugu State University of Science and Technology in 2010, and completed the tenure in 2015.  Outside the University, he served as Governing Board member of different establishments. He has made excellent contributions to the advancement of Science through his studies with focus on pharmacokinetic, metabolism and pharmacodynamic evaluations of anti-infective drugs, with the overall objective of generating information relevant for optimization of therapeutic utility of the drugs. These studies, published in various high-impact journals, have provided the vital information on the need or otherwise for downward or upward dosage adjustment of the drugs when concurrently administered with other drugs. Some of his research findings are cited in National Drug Formularies including United States and British Pharmacopoeia, indication of relevance.  In the course of his distinguished career, Professor Onyeji won several Prizes, national and international awards. For example, he is a recipient of Nigeria National Honors Award of Officer of Order of the Niger (OON). Prof Onyeji has also received numerous Fellowships such as FPSN, FNAPharm, FCAI, FASI, FASSONT.

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision