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Connie Barker - Editor

Journal of Nursing

Editor Name: Connie Barker

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Texas Wesleyan University

Country: USA


Dr. Connie Barker is currently teaching in a BSN to FNP-DNP program that admitted its first cohort of students January 2018; my workload is to develop courses for the fall and spring as we move forward to admit our second cohort of students. This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in a doctoral program at this level, working with new faculty, collaborating with colleagues who bring new and exciting perspectives, while preparing the program for national certification.

Previously, she taught in a face to face FNP program and was the program coordinator for another program that was fully on-line. She maintains a small family practice that informs my teaching; she is also able to precept students in her practice. She believes maintaining a clinical practice is critical for those teaching NP students.

Research Interest: Her research interest has always been to examine self-care practices for patients experiencing chronic disease. She is genuinely interested in patients with resistant hypertension and how caregivers and providers manage this disease process

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision