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Bruno Nardo - Editor

Journal of Surgery

Editor Name: Bruno Nardo

Designation: Full Professor

University: University of Bologna

Country: Italy


Bruno Nardo earned medical degree and license in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna in 1985; Residency in general surgery in 1990 and Ph.D. in Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology, granted by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research at Bologna University. From 1992 to 1993 he earned a Research Fellowship at the Department of Transplant Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. headed by Prof. Starzl, pioneer of liver transplant. Conducted clinical and experimental research work with a particular focus on xeno-transplantation. From 1994 to 1997 earned a post-doctoral research fellowship on "Clinical Immunology" at University of Bologna. From 2002 until today he work as Associate Professor of Surgery at S. Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna with particular expertise in the field of hepatobiliary-pancreatic surgery and transplantation of liver and kidneys. He developed a novel extracorporeal portal blood arterialization namely L.E.O.NARDO (CPT, IB 2004/001142), to promote liver regeneration.

Research of interest: Surgical oncology, hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery, liver transplantation, experimental surgery,  liver regeneration

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