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Editor Name: Boxin Zhao

Designation: Associate professor

University: University of Waterloo

Country: Canada

Biography: Dr. Boxin Zhao is a tenured associate professor at the University of Waterloo. He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from McMaster University in 2004. At Waterloo, Professor Zhao has established the Laboratory of Surface Science and Bionanomaterials, working on both fundamental and applied research. He have 180 publications in total; 89 are peer-refereed papers on the top journals including Macromolecules, Langmuir, Advanced Materials, and Advanced Functional Materials. He was awarded the Early Researcher Award from the Province of Ontario in 2012 and was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at UCSB from Fulbright Canada in 2015, University of Waterloo Engineering Research Excellence Award (for outstanding research accomplishments, innovative ideas and dedication to the Faculty’s research) in 2017.  The current research interests of his group are in the areas of bionanomaterials, multifunctional composites,  interfacial technologies and surface science,  biomimetic adhesion and adhesives, biopolymers, 3D printing, interfacial phenomena and contact dynamics (e.g., wetting, adhesion, friction, lubrication, wear, fracture) in polymers and biological systems.

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Editor's Decision