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Editor Name: Bakhtiyor Ganiev

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Bukhara State University

Country: Republic of Uzbekistan


Bakhtiyor Ganiev is an Assistant professor in the department of organic and physcolloidial chemistry at the Bukhara State University, Republic of Uzbekistan.  He has seventy publications, 15 teaching aids, articles in peer-reviewed journals, scientific and educational-methodical works in collections and materials of conferences at various levels.
He is head of the winner (Salimov F.G.) of the Republican online Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions. 
"The best young scientist - 2021" among the scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the Association "National Movement" Bobek". He is a fellow of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation and an intern at Moscow State University after named M.V. Lomonosov.
He is reviewer of the American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision