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Editor Name: Ashish Pandey

Designation: Head & Professor

University: Daswani Dental College & Research Centre kota

Country: India

Biography: Prof Ashish Pandey from MDS, MBA, DPS (Singapore) who did his graduation (1990) & post graduation (1994) from one of the premier institutions of India King George’s Medical College, Lucknow. Presently teaching UG, PG students. His clinical experience includes surgical experience for the implant-supported prosthesis, malformation of teeth & restoration of debilitating dentitions. he is having specialized knowledge of crown & bridge reconstruction, TMJ disorders & full mouth rehabilitation techniques. He has participated in various national and international conferences in India & Dubai, Nepal, Oman, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka & US. He has been appointed as the examiner of both UG & PG. He has guided 20 PG students & published more than 20 articles in national & international journals. He has been guide in many dissertation & thesis of PG students. He is the member of American Dental Association, member of world academy of ultrasonic Piezoelectric WAUPS (South Korea), Member of World Environment Organization, member of International Society of Infectious Diseases

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision