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Editor Name: Anant Narayanrao Deshpande

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Dayanand College of Pharmacy, Latur

Country: Maharashtra


Dr.Anant Narayanrao Deshpand received his Ph. D. (Pharmacy), Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra in May 2018.he Worked as Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Shree Santkrupa College of Pharmacy, Ghogaon, Satara (Distt.), Maharashtra from  Feb.2008-July 2010.Presently working as Associate Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Dayanand College of Pharmacy, Latur, Maharashtra  since 16th  July 2010 to till date.

Research interests:Pharmaceutical Chemistry,UV-Visible and IR spectroscopy methods in Pharmaceutical analysis.  

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision