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Editor Name: Amir Zare Shahneh

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Cranfield University

Country: United Kingdom


A. Zare. Shahneh  currently working as Lecturer in Cranfield University - UK since July 2009 
Current responsibilities:
Lecturing Aircraft Systems to Master students. This includes Hydraulic Systems,  Pneumatic Systems and Actuation Systems, will be extended to new subjects
Lecturing Aircraft Systems for short courses: Aircraft System for Industry delegates
Lecturing Aerodynamics to PreMaster students.
Lecturing Research Method to PreMaster students. 
Supervising Master students for their Group Design Projects in Aircraft Systems and individual thesis in different areas such as Environmental Control System and Ice Protection System Design and Fuel System,
Involving to SADE research project: morphing flap actuator analysis and power estimation 
Involving to Cleansky project in the form of consultation and examination
Research on Aircraft Features in different aircraft 
Providing scientific papers 
Course Director of Premaster Course
Research Interests: Digital Engineering,Layer Vortex Generator,Applied Aerodynamics,Thermodynamics. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision