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Editor Name: Ali Oto

Designation: Professor

University: Ankara Memorial Hospital

Country: Turkey

Biography: Professor Ali Oto graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine with First Honour Degree. He finished his training in Internal Medicine in 1980 in the same University and was appointed as Associate Professor in Internal Medicine in 1984.Between 1983-1986 he had cardiology fellowship. In 1990 he was appointed as Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine. He served as the Dean of the Medical School and Chairman of the Medical center as well as Acting President of the Inonu University for two years. From June 2014 Ali OTO has been serving as Head of the Department of Cardiology in Ankara Memorial Hospital. Dr Oto is a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the American College of Cardiology and Heart Rhytm Society. He has served on the Board and Committees of the several International Medical societies and organizations. Currently he is the Vice President of the Heart and Health Foundation of Turkey. He has served as a Steering Committee member for the Union European Specialised Doctors-Cardiology Section and currently he is the Vice President. Dr. Oto has also been honored as the President of the Turkish Society of Cardiology for two consecutive terms. Ali OTO is the Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision