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Editor Name: Ali Dogan Omur

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Ataturk University

Country: Erzurum

Biography: I was born in Gole, 17 Nov. 1980. I graduated from highschool in 1999 and Kafkas University Veterinary Faculty in 2004.  I receivedmy PhD degree (ReproductionandArtificialInsemination) in 2011 (SelcukUniversity). I'm assistant professor since 2013 at Ataturk University VeterinaryFaculty. I attended several National/International Conference, international programs. I have memberships to scientific societies.I wasinvolved in nationalandinternationalresearch on animal reproduction.My research focuses on freezing sperm in farm animals and investigating the effectiveness of antioxidants on reproductiveparameters in rats.I am alsointerested in the biochemical and molecularmechanisms of fertilizationand sperm cellenergymetabolism.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision