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Aleksander Popov - Editor

Journal of Surgery

Editor Name: Aleksander Popov

Designation: Professor

University: Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute

Country: Russia


Dr. Med. Prof. Aleksander Popov is the head of Endoscopic Surgery Department in the Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

For more than 25 years of practice he has published about 360 scientific works, 3 monographs. In the cooperation with other colleagues, he is the author of 5 invention patents registered in Russia.He is one of the authors and leading  experts for  Federal Endometriosis and Myomas Guidelines. More than 30 Ph.D. there  were defended in his department by the students under his supervision.He is among the editors of several medical journals published in Russia.

He is the member of professional associations: the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR), Russian Association of Endoscopic Gynecologists (RAEG), Russian Association of endometriosis (RAE), the American Association of Gynaecologists laparoscopy (AAGL), the European Association of Endoscopic Gynecology (ESGE), the European Association of endometriosis (EEL) , the World Association of endometriosis (WES), Society of European Robotic Gynecological Surgery (SERGS), Society of Endometriosis and uterine Disorders (SEUD), American Association Gynecologic Laporoscopists (AAGL).

Research Interest: Obstetrics and Gynecology surgery,Endoscopic Gynecology 

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision