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Editor Name: Akram Zribi

Designation: Scientific Researcher

University: University of Sfax

Country: Tunisia

Biography: Akram Zribi is a Scientific Researcher at University of Sfax, Tunisia.

Dr. Akram ZRIBI, a young scientific researcher. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Sfax in November 2015. He is an expert in fats and oils, a supply professor of lipid and analytical chemistry at the Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sfax and a senior training officer of biostatistics/statistical techniques with three years of experience in teaching chemistry and six years of experience in research and development in the fields of lipid science, analytical chemistry and phytochemistry. He has outstanding records of scientific and academic accomplishments, numerous publications in highly prestigious journals and various presentations in both national and international congresses. He has been involved in several research and development projects on a national and international level.

Research interests: His research interests focus on development of new formulations of oil products with an excellent quality and a high stability for storage and prolonged frying applications, detection of adulterated extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) with cheap oils and low-quality oils, olive fruits and vegetable oils storage, filtration of EVOO, mechanical processing systems of olive fruits, and influence of geographical sites related to the quality of vegetable oils and distinct cultivars of EVOO; Lipid Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry and Phytochemistry (isolation and structural elucidation of natural products from medicinal plants).

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Editor's Decision