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Adhikarla Haritha - Editor

Journal of Vaccines

Editor Name: Adhikarla Haritha

Designation: Associate Research Scientist

University: Yale University

Country: United States of America

Biography: Dr. Haritha received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Osmania University, India in 2009and her research was focused on Metal Transportomes of Pseudomonas spp and aspects related to environmental bioremediation. During her graduation she initiated collaboration with Universite Lyon 1 and the study was supported by Indo-French center for promotion of advanced research (IFCPAR).Subsequently she joined as a Post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Vijay Pancholi’s lab at the Ohio State university Wexner Medical center, Columbus. During her post-doctoral training from 2009 to 2010,her research interests were focused on understanding pathogenesis of Gram positive pathogen Enterococcus. In 2011, she joined the Sanofi Company- Shantha Biotechnics as a Scientist and played a key role in development of Analytical Molecular Biology Team. In 2013 she joined as a Post-doctoral Associate in the research group of Dr. Albert Ko at Yale School of Public Health and is currently working as an Associate Research Scientist. At Yale her research interests are focused in the fields of Leptospira Pathogenesis and Vaccine biology.


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