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Ahmed Safwat Mohamed Aboraia - Editor

Journal of Clinical Research

Editor Name: Ahmed Safwat Mohamed Aboraia

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Assiut University

Country: Egypt


Dr.Ahmed Safwat Mohamed Aboraia is working as Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at Assiut University, Egypt.
Teaching Experiences:
1.Teaching Medicinal Chemistry courses for undergraduate students of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University –Egypt (2009-now).
2.Teaching Medicinal Chemistry courses for undergraduate Clinical Pharmacy students of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University –Egypt (2009-now).
3.Teaching Medicinal and Organic Chemistry courses for graduate students of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University –Egypt (2009-now).
4.Teaching Drug Design courses for ITI Diploma students at Assiut University Branch -Egypt (2009).
5.Teaching Organic Chemistry courses for undergraduate students of Faculty of Pharmacy,Alazhar University –Egypt (2011).
6.Tutor of undergraduate courses of Medicinal and Organic Chemistry -Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University (2006-2009).
7.Tutor of undergraduate courses of Medicinal Chemistry - Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University –Egypt (1998-2006).

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