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Editor Name: Abdelaziz Khlaifat

Designation: Professor

University: American University in Cairo

Country: Egypt


Abdelaziz Khlaifat is a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at The American University in Cairo (AUC). He has more than 24 years of experience, gained within different academic institutions and oil and gas industry, in chemical and petroleum engineering. Prior to joining AUC, Abdelaziz was a professor of Energy Engineering at the American University of Iraq (AUIS) in Sulaimani. 
Khlaifat worked with different academic institutions as an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor and had held some admin positions such as Founding Head of Petroleum Engineering (Abu Dhabi Polytechnic), Chairman of Chemical Engineering, Vice Dean of Engineering, Dean of Mining and Environmental Engineering College, Assistant to the President for Planning and Development, and Director of different Research Centers. He spent about three years working with the oil and gas industry as a senior reservoir engineer and as a manager for Weatherford Research Center located in Dharan Techno Valley in Saudi Arabia. Abdelaziz was a founder/co-founder of different academic departments, research centers, and a business incubator. 
Khlaifat authored/co-authored 95 publications, including journal articles, book chapters in the areas of flow through porous media, hydrocarbon reservoir engineering, unconventional tight and shale gas, managed pressure drilling, non-aqueous phase liquid transport, photocatalysis, two-phase flow modeling and simulation, Dead Sea related-research, and water and environmental research. 
Khlaifat is an active member of SPE and many other technical societies at regional and international levels. He is a recipient of several technical and academic awards and was listed among notable alumni in 2017 by the Worldwide Association of Notable Alumni (WANA).

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision