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Editor Name: A.S.M. Kayes

Designation: Lecturer

University: La Trobe University

Country: Australia

Biography: Kayes is a Lecturer in Cyber-security at LaTrobe University, Australia. He is currently the Coordinator for the Masters of Cyber Security Subjects and developing new cyber algorithms and programming subjects. He has extensive teaching experience at postgraduate and undergraduate levels in the following areas: Web Programming, Creating Web Applications, Responsive Web Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Engineering, Information Systems Analysis and Design and ICT Project Practices and Management. He has been working as an Academic in Computer Science since 2006.
He received his PhD in Software Engineering from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia in 2014. He worked at CQU and Swinburne as Lead Lecturer, Lecturer and Tutor (2014-2017). In 2017, he joined as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at La Trobe University. His research interests include security and context-aware access control, information modelling, big data integration, IoT streaming data, cloud and fog computing, cyber security, social media and privacy, and context-aware techniques for hackers' behaviour and mindset. He is currently supervising 6 PhD students in the broader domain of big data and cyber security.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision