Madridge Journal of Vaccines

ISSN: 2638-1966

International Conference on Vaccines
Feb 20-22, 2017 | Baltimore, USA

Autoleukocyte immunization as a vaccination method for the treatment of pathological autoimmune processes


DanyloHalytskyLviv national medical university, Ukraine

DOI: 10.18689/2638-1966.a1.004

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Efficacy of treatment of autoimmune processes by the method of intradermal immunization with inactivated autoleukocytes has been investigated. Amount of cryoglobulins decreased by ≥ 40% in 73 patients (out of 84; 86.90%) with cryoglobulinemia syndrome after single immunization; normalization was observed in 90% of patients after the second or the third immunization (interval 3-4 weeks). At the same time, clinical signs of cryoglobulinemia syndrome significantly decreased. A number of spermatozoa increased to 20 mln/ml and higher, their motility and percentage of normal forms improved in 29 men (out of 38; 76.32%) with idiopathic oligoteratozoospermia due to inhibition of cryoglobulin synthesis.

Influence on autoimmune processes is also confirmed by reduction of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and antibodies against thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase in the blood of 75-80% of patients after single immunization, complete normalization of indices was observed in 25-30% of patients. The method was also tested for treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. After autoleukocyte immunization, condition in 10 out of 12 patients (83.33) significantly improved, stable remission was observed in 4 (33.33%) patients (term of monitoring – a year).

Vaccination also causes inhibition of excessive synthesis of TNF-alpha. Thus, after single immunization of patients with psoriasis (35), decrease in the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine occurred in all patients; the index reached the norm in 23 (65.71%) patients. At the same time, signs of psoriatic arthritis decreased and long-lasting remission occurred. Presence of viruses and their antigens in leukocytes enables to use such vaccination as a treatment vaccine in patients with frequently recurrent types 1 and 2 herpes. Immunization was tested on patients, who did not respond properly to antiviral therapy. Thus, in patients with labial herpes (n=21), stable remission occurred in 17 patients (80.95%) after treatment, and in patients with genital herpes – in 8 out of 11 (72.72%).

G(H)erasunBorys Abramovich (born in 1938, Kremenchug, Poltava region), graduated from Lviv medical institute in 1963; PhD (1971), associate professor (1984), MD (1985), professor (1987), honorary professor of DanyloHalytsky Lviv national medical university (2007); epidemiologist in Lviv region (1963-68); postgraduate student (1968-71); assistant (1971-83), professor (since 1986) at the department of infectious diseases, DanyloHalytsky Lviv national medical university (since 1986), chief editor of the journal “Gepatologia” (since 2008).Main directions of scientific investigations: problems of hepatology and autoimmune processes, caused by infectious diseases; total number of publications – 300. More information: Whoʼs Who in the World 2015, 32nd Edition.