Madridge Journal of Nursing

ISSN: 2638-1605

2nd International Nursing Conference
November 1-3, 2017 Barcelona, Spain

Experiences of Indigenous Student Nurse in Dealing with Death and Dying in Clinical Area

David Mphuthi

University of South Africa, South Africa

DOI: 10.18689/2638-1605.a2.002

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The purpose of this study was to explore first year indigenous student nursesʼ experiences of encounters with death and dying of a patient during clinical practice so as to make recommendations on increase support for first year student nurses. Qualitative research which was explorative, descriptive and contextual was conducted. Data collection was done using in-depth unstructured interview. Nine participants were interviewed and data was analysed following thematic analysis approach. The findings revealed that lack of experience, emotional trauma, low self-esteem and nutritional disorder are the outcomes of dealing with death and dying of patients for first year student nurses. Negative attitudes of clinical professionals, shortage of staff and congested block programme were identified as some aspects worsening the situation. Incidental learning that occurs with negative experience encountered was also identified as one of the experiences of the participants. The findings show the need for review of curriculum for first year student nurses and the need for change of attitudes of clinical professionals nurses so that they are able to mentor students. The above findings can also be attributed to high attrition rate amongst the first year nursing students as they feel overwhelmed by their experience. This can be attributed to the indigenous believe systems about death and dying.

Key Concepts

First year student nurse, indigenous, death, dying, encounter, clinical practice

David Mphuthi Current PhD candidate with North West University (SA) and has completed M.Cur, B.Cur (Adm et Ed), Dip. Nephrology, RN. David is a PhD scholar in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) also a lecturer in the Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa. David has published an article in the Journal of Renal Nursing in 2013.