Madridge Journal of Nursing

ISSN: 2638-1605

International Nursing Conference
December 5-7, 2016 | Dubai, UAE

Nursing and patient satisfaction

Ana Peliteiro Neto

Emirates Home Nursing, UAE

DOI: 10.18689/2638-1605.a1.002

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The quality of care was traditionally judged by parameters, such as complication rates and mortality, from 1990 providers have begun to understand that patientsʼ perceptions of their care are also important to them. This led to an increasing interest in patientsʼ perspective of health care delivery as part of the mission to find how health systems can better respond to individual needs and preferences, called continuous quality improvement.

Thus, patient experience started to be recognized as one of the three pillars of quality in healthcare alongside clinical effectiveness and patient safety, as well as a quality improvement tool for overall organizational performance.

Nursing profession is directly related with patient satisfaction as nurses are the closest healthcare providers to patients. In fact, nursesʼ courtesy, respect and careful listening are highly ranked aspects of nursing care on patientsʼ satisfaction in comparison to other factors such as physician care, admission process, physical environment and cleanliness.

Patient satisfaction includes elements of subjectivity, expectations and perceptions and it consists on individualsʼ cognitive evaluation of, an emotional reaction to, their healthcare experience. As a result, the research studies investigated, for this presentation, about the relationship between patient satisfaction and nursing care shown contradictory aspects in their findings. It has been argued that care cannot be of high quality if the patient is notsatisfied. By addressing patient satisfaction, practices and institutions can increase market share, patient retention, referrals and revenue.

‘Ana Neto is a Portuguese trained nurse with over five years’ experience between the UK and the Middle East. Qualified from Nursing School of Coimbra in Portugal, Ana went on to acquire her specialization in Neonatal Nursing in Kings College London and postgraduation course in Mentorship in Professional Practice in BUCKS New University, UK. Nominated and awarded CARES title from Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, Anaʼs passion for her work has shown throughout her career. Currently theAssistant Clinical Manager at Emirates Home Nursing, Ana continues to share this knowledge and enthusiasm through her training and educational workshops for nurses in the UAE.ʼ