Madridge Journal of Nursing

ISSN: 2638-1605

International Nursing Conference
December 5-7, 2016 | Dubai, UAE

Investigation of kangroocarethatapllytoearlynewbornswhoapplıedinvasiveinitiatives in delivery room with comfortneo behaviorscale

Tuğba Todil1 and Şenay Çetinkaya1

1Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey

DOI: 10.18689/2638-1605.a1.004

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Comfort can be defined as a state that the absence of pain and distress, far from anxiety, a little fun and relaxed (peaceful). Child health and disease nurse should bring the solution to physiological problems of the babies, increase the comfort level of the babies to reduce the stres level and ensure the improvement of the environment which the babies are in. This research is planned experimentally for the purpose of investigation of the effect of the kangroo care with the COMFORTneo Behavior Scale applied in very early newborn kangaroo care to the newborn who born with health in invasive interventions in Adana Maternity and Child Health Hospital maternity units.

The research will be made by selecting the babies who has born healthy, full-term and vaginally with random sampling method. Invasive interventions will be applied during the early kangroo care to the infants in the experimental group (n=40) and COMFORTneo Behavior Scale (CBS) will be implemented. Thedatascollected by applying CBS applied without early kangroo care to the infants in the control group (n = 40) in invasive interventions. Invasive procedures performed by a nurse working in the unit and the researchers collecteddatas by observing the transactions. Datas collected with “Baby Information Form”, “Family Information Form” and “COMFORTneo Behavior Scale”.

Any studies about this issue in Turkey wasnʼt found in the scanning of international literatüre. It is seen that this research will contribute to the field of child health and diseasenursing based on the need to fill this gap in literatüre.

Keywords: Birth, Invasive Operations, KangarooCare, Comfort, Newborn

Researcher who was born in Adana-Feke Turkey, 1989; primary school Gürümze Elementary School and high school education at Kozan 50th Year High School (YDA) graduated. She won Cukurova University the Adana Health School Nursing Department in 2008. 6th semester of education; in 2011 he received her Erasmusexchange program at theUniversity of NicolausCopernicus in Poland. She graduated from Cukurova University Adana Health School Nursing Department in 2012. Sheworked as a nurse at General Surgery Intensive Care Unit of the Cukurova University Health Practice and Research Center Balcalı Hospital between January 2013 and March 2013. Then sheworked as a nurse at the Gastroenterology Unit of Erciyes University Health Practice and Research Center between in March 2013 and August 2014. Currently she is a graduate student in C.U.Health Sciences Institute Nursing Department.