Madridge Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience

ISSN: 2638-2075

2nd International Nanotechnology Conference & Expo
April 3-5, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Design proposal for a microscope simulator speed electronics for the development of learning significant in nanotechnology

C. Páez3, J. Rincón1, H. Díaz2, B. Garzón4, J. Arias5 and A. Loaiza6

1Grupo de investigación CIDEINNOVA, Centro Industrial y de desarrollo empresarial. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje. Colombia.
2,3Semillero Desarrollo de videojuegos serios, Centro Industrial y de desarrollo empresarial. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje. Colombia.
4,5,6Semillero Micronanotec, Centro Industrial y de desarrollo empresarial. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje. Colombia.

DOI: 10.18689/2638-2075.a2.002

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Low-cost virtual tools of learning is a subject of pedagogic research of huge impact in knowledge transference of advanced engineering and science fields, i. e. nanotechnology. “Tecnoacademia” is a program of “ServicioNacional de Aprendizaje SENA-Colombia” whose main objective is to train kids studying in Secondary Schools from vulnerable areas of Colombia. In context, this study carried out in “TecnoacademiaNodoCazucá”, proposes the design of an educational simulator of a scanning electron microscopy equipment SEM (JEOL NeoScope JCM 5000) to be implemented in the seedbeds of “Video JuegosSerios” of the physics and nanotechnology educational environments. It is expected apprentices to be able to identify the main parts, tools, fundamentals and correct using of SEM as a characterization technique.

Keywords: nanotechnology, SEM, simulator, characterization, virtual pedagogic tools.