Madridge Journal of Dentistry and Oral Surgery

ISSN: 2639-0434

3rd International Conference on Dentistry

April 10-12, 2019, Valencia, Spain
Accepted Abstracts
DOI: 10.18689/2639-0434.a3.004

Novel Approach for Soft Tissue Management in Esthetic Zone

Ahmed Halim Ayoub

London Oral Restorative Academy, United Kingdom

Management of peri-implant soft tissue is as important as preserving the peri-implant bone level. Many techniques, approaches, and materials have been used to achieve healthy, keratinized, esthetic peri-implant soft tissue or correct/augment any deficiency in it. Platelets rich fibrin (PRF) or concentrated growth factors (CGF) is one of those materials that can be used to achieve soft tissue augmentation, especially in esthetic zone.

Introduction: Osseointegration is no longer considered the only parameter upon it we can judge the success of the implant therapy. Even precise ceramic duplication of the contour, shade, and translucency of natural dentition may still result in an aesthetic failure if the gingival profile, color and texture are compromised. Therefore, the functional and aesthetic success of implant treatment in the anterior esthetic zone depends not only on the quality of the restoration but also on the final aspect of the contour and stability of the marginal gingiva and the proximal papillae in harmony with the adjacent teeth.

Learning objectives:

1- Soft tissue defects and its cause
2- Methods of PRF and CGF preparation
3- Different techniques of soft tissue management
4- the New minimally invasive technique for soft tissue contour restoration
5- Ability to take the decision for soft tissue management for each case

Dr. Ahmed Halim Ayoub is a Visiting Lecturer in Bari University, Italy. His Diploma and Master Degrees are done from Seville University, Spain. He developed expertise in bone augmentation and sinus elevation. He has a special interest in bone healing, the role of growth factors and bone morphogenetic proteins in bone growth. Dr. Halim is also highly interested in Dental Implant Education and developed his pioneer modules using Live training throughout directing dental implant post graduate training in Egyptian Society of Oral Implantology, London Oral Restorative Academy and London Dental Education Services. Dr. Halim is a distinguished speaker; he presents at international conferences and teaches in the Rome, Europe, and the Middle East.

Use of Antibiotics in Impacted Third Molar Surgery

Adel Al-Asfour

Department of Surgical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, Kuwait

The faculty of Dentistry at KuwaitUniversity is a recently launched dental school. It has adopted a modern protocol for surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar teeth(M3) with strict adherence to aseptic techniques and without prescribing perioperative systemic antibiotics unless indicated in minor outpatient dento-alveolar surgeries, in a dental community where there is a tradition for indiscriminative overuse of antibiotics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the rate of postoperative infection and other postoperative complications after surgical removal of impacted M3 following such a protocol.

Subjects and materials: a total of 110 consecutive surgical removal of fully and partially impacted M3 under local anesthesia in 90 patients performed by one specialist oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Fifty nine were females, and 31 were males with average age of 25.2 years. All surgeries were done under strict aseptic technique as adopted by operating room protocol. All patients were given Corsodyl mouth twice a day for 4 -7 days preoperatively. No systemic perioperative antibiotics were prescribed. The rate of postoperative infection and other complications were evaluated clinically.

Results: Postoperative infection was found to occur after 6 surgeries of the 110 (5.5%). Other complications were alveolar osteitis with 8.2%, postoperative pain lasting more than 1 week with 4.3%, and sensory dysfunction of inferior alveolar nerve with 0.8%.

Conclusion: The low rate of postoperative infection (5.5%) encouraged our OMFS outpatient clinic to continue the same protocol in dento-alveolar surgeries without the routine description of antibiotics unless indicated.

Dr. Adel Al-Asfour Currently the Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University. Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Recertified Diplomate of the American Board of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Completed The OMFS Residency Training Program in OMFS at University of Chicago at Illinois (UIC) in 2000. One-year Fellowship Training in Reconstructive and OMFS Trauma at Hines, Illinois, 2001. Joined the Faculty of Dentistry since 2003. Interest includes Dentoalveolar surgery, Orthognathic surgery, dental implants.

Laser in the Daily Practice, A Step Forward

Anas Karkout

Damascus University, Syria

Itʼs a great time for dentists to consider an update to their practices! This can be achieved through using new technologies such as Laser. Unlike traditional tools, dental lasers can improve their patientsʼ experiences by eliminating anesthesia, pain, bleeding and fear, as well as accelerating the healing.

In this lecture we will discuss all the laser advantages and disadvantages, and the importance of using laser in Biostimulation, Periodontal pocket disinfection, Root canal disinfection, cavity preparation, Depigmentation, Gingivectomy, Frenectomy, Orthodontics, Fibroma excision, Impacted canine exposure, Coagulation, tooth whitening, pain relief and Periimplantitis.

Dr. Anas Karkout has been practicing Dental Laser since 2012. He has published on this subject in the Asia and the Middle East. Dr. Karkout was a guest lecturer in Italy, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates and Syria. He holds a master degree in Dental Laser (Damascus University).

Sub-Gingival Simvastatin / Chitosan Gel in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis in Smokers

Kodeha. M

Tanta University, Egypt

Methods: Twenty smoker patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis (40 sites) selected and divided into 4 treatment groups (split mouth study) 10 sites in each group as: group A, sites received scaling & root planing (SRP) + SMV gel. Group B, sites received SRP + chitosan gel. Group C, 10sites received SRP + (SMV+ chitosan) gel and group D, sites received SRP alone and served as a control. The clinical parameters were recorded, at baseline (before SRP), after 1, 3 and 6 months they included: plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival Index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). At baseline and after 6 months, radiologic assessment of intrabony defect (IBD) fill was done using computer-aided software.

Results: All subjects tolerated the drug, without any post application inflammation. All therapies resulted in significant improvements. Group C showed most significant improvement in all clinical parameters including: PI, GI, BOP, PD and CAL followed by group A and B, while group D showed the least improvement. In regards to radiologic assessment, group C also showed the most significant (IBD) fill followed by group B, A and D respectively.

Conclusions: The results showed that, the use of SMV with Chitosan gel in addition to conventional periodontal therapy in treatment of chronic periodontitis in smokers reduced the GI and PI score more than SRP alone, as it produced more decrease in PPD, more gain in CAL, less BOP and increase IBD fill .

Dr. Mahmoud Kodeha, a periodontist working at Tanta Medical Hospital from 2006 till now as a dental specialist concerned about oral medicine and periodontics in Egypt. He has attended national and international conferences in Spain and Germany as a presenter to present his previous research work.

The Importance of Simulation in the Orthodontic and Orthognathic Cases

Mohamad Azhar Ibrahim Kharsa

Consultant Orthodontist, KFH, Saudi Arabia

Aim of Investigation: Simulation in Orthodontic and Orthodontic Treatments had been successor to other domains of Dentistry, as notions like VTO “Virtual Treatment Objectives” introduced by Ricketts et al, Set-up of the Study Models before the Orthognathic Surgery and recently the 3Dimentions Camera Simulator were blatant examples to the active simulation usage pertinent to our orthodontic daily practices.

Materials and Methods: In this presentation the author gives examples pertinent to his clinical practice about exploiting successively the simulation in daily Orthodontic practice. As Simulation is used in Orthodontic practice within the following approaches:

1. VTO “Virtual Treatment Objectives”: It concentrates on the target of treatments virtually, what helps the clinician in discerning among several choices of possible treatment plans. The advent of the Sophisticated Computer Programs has helped the practitioners in choosing between multiple treatment plans, and participating with the patientʼs choices, as well. Nonetheless, the science is rapidly progressing in this predisposition, aiding us gradually in imagining the outcome of our treatment plans even before starting our treatments.

2. Set-up of the Study Models and CBCT “Cone Beam Computed Tomography” images: This approach is used often before the aesthetic and orthognathic surgeries, as it helps us in imagining the results of our treatment plan before the commence of the forthcoming surgery, what gives a paramount benefit to the practitioner in pondering the question of what are the options to be followed to treat the patient perfectly!

3. The 3-Dimentions Camera Simulator: This apparatus is the best simulator machine for the time being, as it gives the same consequences of the CBCT Set-up but with a “reality vision”, as it enables the practitioner to see the result of any potential treatment plan on the face of his/her patient, even before starting of any potential procedure.

Results: Simulation in the Orthodontic and Orthognathic domains helps the clinician in better differentiation and in choosing the best approaches as to help the patients to get the best aesthetic consequences.

Conclusion: The simulation and Cyber World Vision are progressing rapidly in their medical and dental applications. However, efforts are supposed to be consecrated for getting better exploitation of the aforementioned notions as for better helping our patients.

Management of Impacted Teeth in Orthodontics

Mohamad Azhar Ibrahim Kharsa

Consultant Orthodontist, KFH, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Objectives: Treatment of Impacted Teeth in Orthodontic Practice is important, as existence of impacted tooth/teeth may hurdle orthodontic treatment sometimes and become a dilemma especially if complications exist.

The Purpose of This Research: How the practitioner can handle the impacted tooth/teeth case(s)?

Materials and Methods: The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the prognosis of impacted teeth and the available approaches of impacted teeth managements in orthodontics.

Orthodontist has two approaches to manipulate the impacted teeth, those are:

Open exposure or open orthodontic eruption.

1. Closed orthodontic eruption.

However, not all impacted teeth are available to be treated by forced orthodontic eruption, so other approaches may be chosen in treatment plan like:

1. Extraction of the impacted tooth with poor prognosis or in the sequence of orthodontic treatment plan (e.g. space deficit).

2. “Disregard” and observation for a few cases under restricted conditions.

The presentation showcases as examples of management possibilities, complications and discuss the matters from a clinical standpoint.

Results: The orthodontic eruption approach is successful in most of cases, if fulfilled properly.

Conclusion: It is recommended that right decision be taken regarding orthodontic forced eruption according to each case per se. Complications should be taken into account. Finally thorough treatment plan is a must in successful treatment results.

Effect of Nasoalveolar Molding in Infants with Cleft Lip & Palate

Mosleh S. Alharbi

Consultant Orthodontist, Section Head Orthodontics, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia

Background & Aim: In the 19th century McNeil (prosthodontist) used an oral prosthesis to approximate the cleft alveolar segments and thus initiating the concept of modern presurgical infant orthopedics. More recently (1994) Barry Grayson developed a new technique that not only it approximates the alveolar segments but it also reshapes the nose in order to perform primary nose surgery, this technique is called Nasoalveolar molding (NAM).

The aim of presenting this is to demonstrate the sequence of alveolar and nasal changes following the use of nasoalveolar molding.

Materials & Methods: Patients with nonsyndromic complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. Nasoalveolar molding was performed for each patient and treatment time took 8-12 weeks. A serial of standard basilar view 1:1 photographs were taken for each patient. Each patient was photographed at the initial visit and after the nasoalveolar molding.

Digital caliper was used to measure the cleft size on the study model at the initial visit and after nasoalveolar molding.

Results: Patients expressed good improvement. The cleft size was reduced significantly. Improved both the columella deviation and length as well as the nostril width and height in the cleft side.

Conclusion: NAM is an effective procedure in reducing the alveolar cleft size and it also improves the nasal architecture. This will facilitate the work of the plastic surgeon during the lip adhesion and primary nose surgery and consequently with better aesthetic outcome.

Periodontal muscle training can strength the periodontal support Feet your teeth

Nima Sabzchamanara

Therapeutic Dentistry Department, National Medical University, Ukraine

Previous research on periodontal structure and function has shown a significant relationship between periodontal tissue and teeth. This study assessed dentistʼs beliefs about the relative efficacy of the health of periodontal tissue. A total of 505 patients in general pracrice were asked to respond to a list of 25 obligatory nourishment for a child while going to have the first teeth, for its effectiveness in dealing with patientʼs periodontal health especially include chewing hard food. They were also asked to select the three most effective nutrition for periodontal tissue. The imdices of patient perceived importance of the periodontal health were derived and each compared with actual effectiveness as determined from a sample of 250 patients.

Although the majority of patientʼs rated 18 of 25 nutrition as being very effective, there was no significant association between patient perceived nourishment effectiveness and actual effectiveness. The implications for patient training are discussed.

This study supported by only me and my supervisor Alla grigorivna demitrova.

Nima Sabzchamanara has completed his dental study from National Medical University Kiev Ukraine. He is the student of first year of Residency program, in the Department for Therapeutic dentistry. He has published one abstract in a dental journal.

Modern Concepts in Prosthetic Adhesive Dentistry

Roberto Turrini

Pesaro, Italy

Nowadays the clinicians have at their disposal high-performance materials that can help them facing esthetic and functional treatments using minimally invasive prosthetic techniques. This lecture will consider both prep and no-prep techniques for a perfect result in anterior and posterior areas.

The different types of ceramic materials will be analyzed in depth and indications will be given on how to choose the ideal ingot and the correct protocol of cementation, especially in case of thin veneers.

Indications and limitations of prep and no-prep techniques will be clearly illustrated in order to guide the clinicians both for simple situations and complex rehabilitations, however using always minimally invasive procedures.

Roberto Turrini graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeaniʼs office in Pesaro. He works in Pesaro focusing his activity on restorative, endodontics and prosthodontics with particular interest in esthetic dentistry. Author of several scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines, he is author of a text about dental bleaching, published by Quintessence International in 2011 (“Dental bleaching: methods for success”), translated in Italian, German, Spanish and actually in translation into other languages. He is also a national and international speaker and he usually lectures on prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry, as a founder member of Fradeani Education.