Madridge Journal of Cancer Study & Research

ISSN: 2640-5180

4th International Cancer Study & Bacteriology Conference

April 3-4, 2019, Philadelphia, USA
Workshop Abstracts
DOI: 10.18689/2640-5180.a4.003

Psychological Risk Factors for Cancer Diseases

Shulamith Kreitler

Tel Aviv University, Israel

The workshop would introduce the construct of psychological risk factors into the theory and practice of oncology. The role of different risk factors in outlining the causes for a disease will be explained, psychological risk factors will be defined and the role of psychological risk factors will be demonstrated. A methodology for identifying psychological risk factors will be described and several studies using this methodology relating to breast cancer, colorectal cancer and gynecological cancers will be presented.

Dr. Shulamith Kreitler has graduated in psychology and psychiatry at Bern University, Switzerland. She has been a full professor of psychology at Tel Aviv University since 1986, has worked at the universities of Princeton, Harvard, Yale University, Vienna and Buenos Aires. She is a certified clinical psychologist and health psychologist. She has established the psychooncology unit (Ichilov) and the Center for Psychooncology Research (Sheba Medical Center). She has developed a new approach to meaning, to predicting and changing behavior and identifying psychological risk factors for cancer. She has published over 200 articles and 18 scientific books and is preparing a book about psychooncology (Springer).