x Madridge Publishers | Journal of Biotechnology and Recent Advances

International Journal of Biotechnology and Recent Advances

ISSN: 2639-4529

European Microbiology Research Conference
December 3-4, 2018 Valencia, Spain

Isolation and Phenotypic Characterization of New Isolated Streptococcus thermophilus Strains from Different Regions of Italy

Armin Tarrah

Padova University School of Food Science, Italy

DOI: 10.18689/2639-4529.a1.009

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The aim of this study was to discover more about S. thermophilus and its abilities by comparing it with a very less-known bacterium like S. Macedonicus. As a member of the LAB, Streptococcus thermophilus is identified as a thermophilus group and use as a commercial starter in industry. On the other hand, although Streptococcus Macedonicus was first described more than 16 years ago but still the exact role of this bacteria in the industry is not distinct. In this study, eight new isolated strains of S. thermophilus were applied to be investigated from the technological point of view. Analysis such as growth in different

pH temperature and sugars, Antimicrobial susceptibility test and Inhibitory activity test were performed and the results were evaluated by using General linear model (GLM) in SAS 9.4. In all the comparison like growing in different PH, temperature and sugars between these two species, S. Macedonicus indicated the better growth rate which shows more functional bacteria.

Recent Publications (minimum 3)
1. Publish article on advance study in biology journal (ISI) as a corresponding author. (Investigation of resistance to the antibiotic penicillin, cefteriaxone, ciprofloxacin and cefixime in neisseria gonorrhoeae sampled frompatients infected with the gonorrhea in Poona city, India)
2. Publish article on advance study in biology journal (ISI) as a corresponding author (Frequency of the Pathogenic Campylobacter in the Swab-Rectal Samples of the Seagulls(Larus Canus) Using the PCR Technique).
3. Publish article on research journal of fisheries and hydrobiology as a corresponding author(ISI).
4. Publish article on international journal of biology, pharmacy and allied science (ISI) (Investigation of changes in levels of Serum Elements, Lipid Profile and Advanced Glycation End Product in patients with type 2 diabetes)

Armin Tarrah student at Padova University in Food Microbiology. We are involved in fermentation and lactic acid bacteria nowadays and also we work on probiotics area. Tarrah bachelor and master degree in cellular and molecular biology-Microbiology as well. Tarrah was also University teacher at Chaloos azad university. Tarrah tought microbiology, bacteriolog at medical department at this university. Tarrah cooperating as a reviewer with international journal of food microbiology in Netherland as well.