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Editor Name: Fathi Mohamed Omer Sherif

Designation: Professor

University: University of Tripoli

Country: Libya

Biography: Fathi Sherif is a professor of pharmacology and is currently a vice-dean of faculty of pharmacy, University of Tripoli, Libya. He received his PhD in medicinal pharmacology from faculty of Medicine, University of Uppsala, Sweden (1992) and postdoctoral training in neuroscience in Uppsala University. He won WHO award for the youngest medical researcher in 1995 from world health organization. He is a lecturer of pharmacology at department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacy since 1993 and held a position of head of the department and head of postgraduate office at the university. Head of research unit at National Medical Research Center of ethno pharmacology (traditionally used of medicinal plants and their potential actions on the CNS using animal behavioral models). A long-term involve in neuropsycho-pharmacology (GABA & MAO systems) in patients as well as long interest in animal behavioral pharmacology. He published several articles about the role of inhibitory transmitters in neuropsychiatric disorders. He supervising several postgraduate students in the area of clinical and basic pharmacology leading to M.Ph. He is a referee of several international journals and an editor in chief of Libyan J Med Res (ISSN 2312-5365) for the last five years and Pharmacy and Pharmacology International Journal (ISS 2373-6367).

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