Madridge Journal of Behavioral & Social Sciences

ISSN: 2638-2032

Opinion Article - Special Issue

The Changing Face of Australian Governance

Darryl Penney

Pebbly Beach Anti-ageing Philosophy Centre, Australia

*Corresponding author: Darryl Penney, Pebbly Beach Anti-ageing Philosophy Centre Country Corner, 40 Pebbly Beach Rd. Batemans Bay, 2536 N.S.W. Australia E-mail:

Received: June 13, 2023 Accepted: June 22, 2023 Published: June 30, 2023

Citation:: Penney D. The Changing Face of Australian Governance. Madridge J Behav Soc Sci. 2023; S1(1): 22-27. doi: 10.18689/mjbss-s1-004

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Homo sapiens is incomplete, reluctant to change and the quotation ‘Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad’ seems somewhat appropriate here when looking at a current practical example of what can happen to a modern (so called) first world country that does not understand this new theory of relativity and organisation. For the first time, organisation is understandable by being linked to energy through the creation equation and can be added to physics and social science to provide the social engineering that we need to apply to society relative to the technology that is so useful, but is unrestrained and destroying society and Life on the planet. We are supposed to be a democracy, but are not, and public servants are dudding us with mechanistic and possibly deceitful tactics, and yet we have the means to create a real democracy. Hyperinflation is appearing, and yet it is simple to control with a change in the political process, but is indicative of the underlying problem of not using goals and social engineering.

Keywords: Governance; forward planning; taxation; management; hyperinflation; asset valuation

● I believe that this paper literally upends social science in its entirety because it introduces a function that is on a par with energy and, while physics tends to be heavily discounted in social science, the physical and its effects on relativity, bottom-up organisation [through the animals], the working of the mind and the ability of the mind to be enhanced, is what Homo sapiens has been waiting for, to organise society, so that it works. Born in cosmology and quantum mechanics, published as affordances [the link between the environment and the recognition of it in the brain [emotion, [4]], it has been extended through fundamental physics [2, 3, 4, 5,,6] and into social science [1, 7, 8, 9].

● Practitioners are the backbone of the industry and are naturally loath to change [an absolute, [1]] , but this paper shows the absurdity of their position [11] and they must force change otherwise governance will end in the ridiculous position of physics with the scientific method [measurement only] and principle [peer review]. Theoretical modern science has slept for a hundred years waiting for this theory that asks the future [explicitly, like algebra [2]] through the property of the organisation [the organisational universe [4, 5, 7]] needed [to complete physics] and to provide the organisational absolutes [8, 9, 10] that make social science, a science [which it is not at the moment]. Organisation must use both the physical and Life if Homo sapiens is to progress on the path to real civilisation.

● The mind [3] is based on the creation equation [6] and needs this theory to expand [using relativity and bottom-up organisation, 12]] as well as a longer lifetime [13] because it’s capabilities increase factorially [...5x4x3x2x1, [2]] with use [concepts], but the house of science is built on sand because measurement [concept] works, but the context [organisation] is missing, and as they say, ‘you can’t have one without the other’ [relativity]. This will not go away, and is the point where the animals must be left behind and we must seek the goal [Homo completus] that is the completion of the Fibonacci series that is an organisational absolute.

● A conclusion must always have a prediction [relativity] and a future-planning [Fibonacci series]. Physics is old, entrenched, misbegotten, wrongish and going nowhere [disclaimer], governance is also old [families, Plato’s philosophers etc.], has no scientific basis and is making mistakes [the example, herein, is valuing 200 square metres of hilltop at $600,000 [land only]], so now is the time to build properly a social engineering, as I suggest [1], civilising people, not the path of more petty laws with more public servant’s incompetent policing [11].

Disclaimer: The subject matter of this paper is new but must be classed as an opinion-piece and cannot be classified as scientific [not based on past peer acceptance] and is theoretical [not based on the scientific method [measurement]] and it’s use may conflict with peer acceptance. Secondly, the paper is, in truth, scientific because (1) it is based on absolutes [as it must for comparisons to be made], and (2) the simplest absolutes [unlike Newtonian physics that is based on the more complicated force equals mass times acceleration]. Thirdly, mistakes [contextual] may occur because I am a generalist, whereas a specialist is a specialist [conceptual] in a subject and would not be expected to make mistakes. This state of affairs is relativity and cannot be eliminated.


To not change, is an organisational absolute that is basic to the evolution of Life, and in particular, is the hallmark of Homo sapiens [along with incompleteness], but the organisational absolute of the Fibonacci series [past, present and future relativities, [2]] requires goals glimpsed through an organisation [7] that has been derived bottom-up from cosmology [4, 5]. There are many ways to introduce new methods and one of the best is to confront a problem that is becoming apparent but is thought, erroneously, to be confined to third world countries. Hyperinflation is indicative of, and symptomatic of a blighted governance that humanity has been unable to solve for 2,500 years, but is within reach through the technology of a mobile phone connected world. The basic problem is that Homo sapiens is transitional between the animals and a future Homo completus when we will be fully civilised and to do this, we have to increase our capacity to think [3] which requires understanding the way that the mind is a function of the brain through affordances [6].

Current organisation is limited to Occam’s razor [that the simplest organisation is usually the best], which is not definitive and organisation only becomes apparent when we give it a value [concept] and the measuring returns a context. This is a property of an organisation and can be seen [in the fractal universe] as algebra in mathematics where defining [measuring] a future solution [unknown x] forces a context [solution] to be available [property of an organisation] because a question must be asked to initiate a measurement. Once we look for an organisation [concept], the context becomes apparent and we see an organisational affordance that is based on the creation equation [relativity and restrictions, [6]]. Restrictions are that the universe must be accelerating [producing gravity [5]], cosmic inflation [4] etc. as well as the organisational restrictions that are shown by the animals [1, 8, 9] that form the basis to producing a workable society and this paper.

Objection to Notice of Valuation PT 7/1275471

Comprising 66.72 hectares, 150 square metres and 44.8 square metres

Overall Picture

Firstly, one of the major problems facing our society at the moment is cost-push inflation where politicians raise award wages to make themselves popular and the Reserve Bank tries to adjust interest rates to keep inflation at about 2.5% per year.

Secondly, public servants have been on a spending spree (demand pull inflation), consider, ‘the Budget projects that the Commonwealth government’s gross debt will be around $963 billion at 30 June 2022. This is around 45.1% of GDP. It is projected to increase to $1,199 billion – around 50% of GDP – by 30 June 2025’ (Budget Strategy and Outlook: Budget paper No1:2021-2022, Table 11.5, p 366-7). Net debt was zero in 2010! In 12 years the government has overspent $80,000,000,000 each year! No wonder that they are keeping quiet! There is probably a good reason, but it is not apparent to me, and in a true democracy, the government has to convince us, the voters, of that reason, not keep us in the dark for their own benefit.’ [10] The Reserve Bank is trying to reduce inflation [currently 7 %] by increasing interest rates, and that is causing problems with household mortgage repayments. In other words, an instability is being caused by raising award wages [an inappropriate move].

Thirdly, public servants are using a mechanistic increasing of taxation by using inflated values without relativity or justification. For many years the Valuation of government was about half the real value, but now the zeal of public servants has reached an all time high in taxing the community and must be curtailed because it is causing inflation (cost-push inflation) through inflating values inappropriately. The universe is based on relativity [6] that is not used by Homo sapiens, which uses energy, but not the associated organisation [2, 3]. Likewise, social science does not recognise organisation or social engineering [1] and a small example is the following valuations:

Conclusion: Inflation is out of control because there is no social engineering [organisation] being applied and the Reserve Bank has only one broad means of controlling inflation [interest rates] and that is a poor weapon when the basic cause is ignorance of organisation.


Hyperinflation is common around the world in developing countries and the main reason is due to mismanagement of the economy, so it is surprising to see it occurring in Australia, which is supposed to be a developed country, but is, unfortunately, ignorant of social engineering and organisation in general. This might be hard to believe because Homo sapiens considers itself to be wise, but is far from it. For example, our universe is a fractal based on the possibility of existence of nothing splitting into a relativity of energy and organisation and we use energy in physics [see “Newtonian Physics”, International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics] because it is simple. Organisation is simple when derived bottom-up [see Opinion Article – Special Issue Madridge’s Journal of Behavioural and Social Sciences] and is necessary to show the ramifications of using a top-down guesstimate that is our political system.

Consider the problems that come with inflation, ‘the International Accounting Standards Board has issued guidance on accounting rules in a hyperinflationary environment . . . . lists factors that indicate the existence of hyperinflation. . . . the cumulative inflation rate over three years approaches, or exceeds, 100%.’ (Wikipedia, Hyperinflation) clearly, in the example of hyperinflation that is occurring in the valuation of my farm, growth rates exceed the definition of hyperinflation [as used practically], hence this paper is an opportunity to correct this, but must be done using organisation and, in particular, relativity, which is missing in the organisation of Homo sapiens’ thinking. For example, if energy plus organisation equal nothing [above], there must be universal entanglement, an accelerating universe [which causes gravity], cosmic inflation etc., all as physics has found. Relativity means that a tax applied should be related to alternate commercial opportunity on that site and not by some guess, as has been done here. For example, the 50 and 150 square metre subdivisions at the top of a hill [transmission tower] have no alternate use if the tower is removed and cannot be considered to have value [$600,000 as above] to anyone else. If the subdivisions were increased to 1 hectare [as building blocks], this problem would disappear [by creating relativity] and alternate users and buyers.

‘In 1879, Henry George published Progress and Poverty, by which he advocated a flat tax on lands based on the original unimproved value of the latters in their natural state, the “land value tax”. George believed this tax was sufficient to support all government programs, being essentially a “single tax”. . . . . neither land value nor land value tax will affect production behaviour (Hooper 2008).’ (Wikipedia, Ad valorem tax) Clearly, the “single tax” has become a multitude of taxes and it is still true that this tax will not affect production, however it will significantly affect price and contribute to inflation. Obviously, I must increase the price of my production significantly in the light of these monstrous increases in taxation and if I am forced out of business, I have no means of paying the taxes on the land. Also, the huge unjustified increase puts me into the position of paying “Land Tax”, which is completely unwarranted on the little land that I use.

This again brings in the question of relativity about the usability of land and the availability of land. Firstly, I bought the land 40 years ago that was completely forested with large Gum trees and is not worth clearing except for the small amount that I use for plant production and fire protection.

Secondly, as a member of Homo sapiens, public servants do not recognise relativity and are imposing an inappropriate, unconscionable and totally unjustifiable tax by treating my property on the same rating basis as productive farms. Some years ago, I was informed [by public servants] that to grow horticultural stock [plants], I could use no more than 10% of the runoff of the property [to maintain flow in the creek] and this necessitates a large property that is not productive [for me] and should therefore not be taxed as farmland. The South-coast [of NSW] is a hard-leaved rain-forest with large trees in deeply eroded [creek runoff] mud-stone, shale-stone and clay-stone soil that is not worth clearing except for 10 acres for fire-control. The land is not productive and cannot be rated as farmland.

The Quality of Public Servants

It is usually assumed that public servants are above the law and this is unfortunately somewhat true because they appear to have power and little [if any] responsibility and the organisation of which they form part [governance] is the result of hard fighting by the governed over centuries. Consider our (so called) democratic system that is actually an alternate autocracy because even a true democracy did not exist in ancient Greece. ‘Fifth-century [B.C.] was quite different from the society that Plato imagined in The Republic. It was a democracy of sorts, though only about 10 per cent of the population could vote. Women and slaves, for example, were automatically excluded. But citizens were equal before the law, and there was an elaborate lottery system to make sure that everyone had a fair chance of influencing political decisions.’ (A Little History Of Philosophy, Nigel Warburton, p 6)

Clearly, a true democracy must be built on mobile phones and proportional [to various criteria] voting and the form of governance must include organisation that can only come from a complete physics [1 to 10] that uses bottom-up organisation and relativity. Top-down thinking is the hallmark of Homo sapiens and categorises the thinking of public servants [by necessity] and that leads to two possibilities, firstly, public servants are prone to mental problems in carrying out their duties, for example [9] that leaders and public servants are not just empty-headed, limelight seekers, but (possibly) have mental issues as well. ‘About one hundred thousand Americans died in World War II in the Pacific’ (The China Mirage, James Bradley, p 371) ‘The U.S. did not enter World War II to defend Britain or oppose Hitler. On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan and only Japan. Three long days passed, and the United States did not declare war on Germany to defend England. It was only when Adolf Hitler rashly declared war on the U.S. that Americans went to war in Europe.’ (p 8) Notice that ‘the United States declared war on Japan’ because of an attack on Pearl Harbour, and why did Japan attack the United States?

‘First, the State Department would decide how much oil Japan could purchase . . . State’s decision would move to Treasury, which would calculate how many Japanese-owned dollars had to be unfrozen to meet State’s dictate. Then the Foreign Funds Control Committee (FFCC), a newly created three-man panel, would release the Treasury-approved dollars for the Japanese to use to purchase their State-approved oil. . . . Little did Roosevelt imagine that an obscure committee deep within his bureaucracy would catapult America into World War II.’ (p 268) ‘Acheson and Morgenthau passed the buck back and forth to each other, running the Japanese through a bureaucratic maze. A Treasury official later wrote, “The Japanese tried every conceivable way of getting the precious crude oil, but to each proposal the [FFCC] had an evasive answer ready to camouflage its flat refusal.”’ (p 271) Thus, the Japanese had to invade further southward for oil.

The conclusion is that businesses have power and responsibility [in their own domain], whereas public servants have power and no responsibility. The public servants on the losing sides were executed for crimes against people, but not against the organisation, and most assuredly not the American public servants that caused the U.S. entry into the Pacific War, and also into the European war. Homo sapiens is incompetent because it does not understand organisation, for example, ‘Acheson had just secretly changed Roosevelt’s Asian policy and done the specific thing the president feared would lead to war’. (p 271) ‘Dean Acheson was not the first to attempt to cut Japan’s oil supply. Morgenthau, Ickes, and a number of Washington Warriors within Roosevelt’s helter-skelter administration had all given it a try. In each of those cases, however, Hull,Welles, or Roosevelt had become aware of what was going on and intervened before any serious damage could be done. The only thing that was different about Acheson’s successful exploit was that – supported by Morgenthau, Stimson, and Ickes – he got away with it. ‘ (p273) Obviously the organisation was deficient as were the public servants who were not doing as ordered.

Secondly, consider from above, ‘the Budget projects that the Commonwealth government’s gross debt will be around $963 billion at 30 June 2022. This is around 45.1% of GDP. It is projected to increase to $1,199 billion – around 50% of GDP – by 30 June 2025 (Budget Strategy and Outlook: Budget paper No1:2021-2022, Table 11.5, p 366-7). Net debt was zero in 2010!

A New Social Threat

Even a true democracy needs a leader according to the creation equation because the leader is the concept and the members are the context [the organisation], and the leader has a paramount restriction, that he/she need to be good leaders, but do leaders lead us where we want to go? That decision is democracy, [similar to the working of the mindbrain, fractal] and the problem is, to make the leader take us where we want to go, and if we don’t give direction, the leader will lead where he/she wants to go. This can be seen in the (so-called) democratic system that we use, that is actually an alternating autocracy, that is usually a contest between Labor/ Democrats and Liberal/Republicans, that is, the poor and the better off. If we divide the political spectrum simply, it becomes capitalist – socialist – communist and the power switches from one side to the other, which is necessary when choosing between a choice of two different things [orthogonality/ relativity]. This is Homo sapiens’ top-down solution and let’s see where this leads in history.

Consider the American Civil War, Abraham ‘Lincoln is remembered as a martyr and a national hero for his wartime leadership and for his efforts to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. Lincoln is often ranked in both popular and scholarly polls as the greatest president in American history.’ (Wikipedia, Abraham Lincoln) Really? Apart from the fact that ‘slaves died during the war from disease, starvation, or exposure and if these deaths are counted in the war’s total, the death toll would exceed 1 million’. (Wikipedia, American Civil War, Casualties) The American Civil War and World War I and II could be classed as modern wars where the public servants used the full resources of the country in the pursuit of the leader’s dream including killing millions of people. Why? Because Lincoln wished to ‘preserve the Union’, when it would have been more sensible for the South to secede, as they wanted to do, because slavery is a conscious choice [orthogonal that toggles yes/no] one side had to win and subdue the other and one million died in the conflict that he supported.

Was he really the ‘greatest president’ or the ‘worst president’? This is the top-down thinking of Homo sapiens with no relativity and the problem is still with the US today because ‘in the summer of 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau announced its projection that, by 2042, for the first time in American history, whites would no longer be the majority in a country that had known of no other configuration, no other way to be.’ (Caste, Isabel Wilkerson, p 6). The gun laws of the U.S., that are enshrined in the Constitution seem to be no longer applicable to the changing demographics and castes caused by preserving the Union. Slavery was dying out and the secession was caused by ‘slave owners controlled politics and the economy, although 75% of white Southern families owned no slaves.’ (Wikipedia) In a short time slavery would become unlawful and, to eliminate the problems of multiculturalism that we see today, the freed slaves could have been given their own country if they couldn’t be sent back.

This theory contains bottom-up organisation and relativity and when applied to these valuations shows them to be guesses, and the concept of a guess contains the context of that guess. The ‘Magna Carta still forms an important symbol of liberty today, often cited by politicians and campaigners, and is held in great respect by the British and American legal communities, Lord Denning describing it as “the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot”. (Wikipedia, Magna carta) Notice that the phrase ‘arbitrary authority of the despot’ is the context and ‘colloquially, the word despot applies pejoratively to those who use their power and authority to oppress their populace, subjects, or subordinates. More specifically, the term often applies to a head of state or government.’ (Wikipedia, Despotism)

Considering that our political system is orthogonal [capitalist leaning versus communist leaning], that public servants may be uncontrollable in orthogonal situations [U.S.A entry into World War II, above], public servants [in a Labor government environment] may be tilting the sympathetic predilection unconscionably too far to the communist side, or they may have picked up the vibes from the Labor government. Whatever, of the above, the valuation lacks the relativity that is ignored by Homo sapiens that there must be an alternate buyer that will pay the commensurate valuation for the property.

According to the Fibonacci series [an organisational absolute] relativity is required in the past and future that impacts on the means and method of valuation in the following way: A [conceptually]:

(1) the (so called) ‘farmland’ is necessary for the business as only 10% of the rain water run-off of the whole property can be used or stored, the land is not suited to any productive enterprise [clearing costs, poor soil, natural erosion etc.] and might be worth $500,000 as a house-block. The relativity is the worth to State Forest for logging or as National Park that borders the property, and that is not much.

(2) the 150 and 50 square metre subdivisions are worthless on being on the side of a forested hill and if technical improvements [of satellites etc.] necessitates the tower’s removal no one would be able to use the land and it’s value would be effectively zero. Clearly, the government feels the need to tax the subdivisions to account for the land that is rented for the tower, but why make subdivisions when there is no guarantee that the tower is permanent? It worked for 15 years that I paid income tax on the amount received, but now the public servants wish to impose double taxation. Not only double taxation, but exorbitant taxation that is unjustifiable.

So, the only way to give these two blocks justifiable value is to increase the size to one hectare each so that they can be used as building blocks that have a relative value. The two blocks have power connected, side road access [as at present] and enough surrounding land that is not being used and will never be used by me.

B [contextually]: as relativity always exists, there must be two solutions and to use one is to fall into the incompleteness of Homo sapiens and so, the conceptual is above and the contextual below.

(1) the family business on the farm has been to grow and distribute landscaping plants over the South of NSW, but the travel/delivery restrictions have become so onerous [due also to family break-up] that distribution has ceased and is pick-up at farm gate only and grower’s price is offered that is one quarter of that through retail outlets. This is possible and desirable through cheap internet websites and advertising and concentrates on the South Coast and Canberra areas [internet selling]. This is the way of the future and the most efficient means of avoiding public servant restrictions, charges and red tape.

(2) The use of the hill-top adjacent to the highway allows the communication tower to monitor a large area, is connected into the Sydney-Melbourne fibre optic network and would be a vital part of the [ground based] communication system. Everything was well and good until the government intruded, made subdivisions, presumably to extract a double taxation, has made hyper-inflationary valuations and red tape and places the tower in jeopardy because it (possibly) becomes uneconomic to allow it to use my land. Hyper inflation of what once was an asset, becomes a liability when the rates increase at 50% per year and income rises at 3% per year and I would be forced to ask that it be taken away at the end of the lease period. Considering the machinations of the public servants, they could have some scheme to take control, nationalise or otherwise take it into public ownership, after all, a Labor government may be targeting landowners as their avowed class-enemies.

Conclusion and Prediction

Homo sapiens is transient and the aim must be Homo completus, where humanity is civilised and that will require knowledge of organisation and the application of social engineering, as in the references, below. In particular, the voting system must be made truly democratic and the leader’s decisions replaced by popular democratic decisions based on experts’ advice [for and against] with phone voting. Also, population growth should be generated from within [no multiculturalism] as well as [as much as possible] production within marketing areas [maximise employment] so that we can monitor the engineering of society and move toward Homo completus where we can do away with most [intrusive] laws and just be responsible citizens [1].

In particular, hyperinflation and even inflation [over the long-term] is simply a weakness of the political system and is simply fixed by anchoring the award wages that are under government control and it is our misaligned political system that needs fixing and technology has provided the means in the mobile phone. Overall, evolution tells us that the best parents actively monitor the environment and teach their offspring how to survive within it and we are failing humanity by not selecting the population that will do this. Politics is synonymous with evolution [fractal universe] and we are failing both by not increasing our intellect [3] and making humanity better.

Mankind’s [Homo sapiens] greatest problem has been it’s inability to recognise relativity [orthogonality] because it has always assumed that the universe is ‘real’, but it is not ‘real’, but is an organisation [2, 7]. For example, are the billions upon billions of stars actually there [‘real’], or are they what must have existed to have allowed us to ask the question of what is the past? The universe is a fractal [being generated from a simple creation equation] and the equation of the marketplace is product plus money is nothing, but in society relativity is always there with capital the balancing item and money the restriction. A restriction, like the necessity of an accelerating space for the creation equation [energy plus organisation is nothing] to exist, which produces what we call gravity, must be fixed in value for a system to be stable. Inflation is caused by a changing restriction [value of money] and the organisation becomes unstable, and these valuations are showing that very fact. The long-term solution is to change the political system, get rid of public servant appeasers that can’t say ‘no’, put the vote into people’s hands, freeze public service wages and stabilise prices.

Conflict of Interest: The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.


  1. Penney D. Social Engineering: Using Social Science To Improve Ourselves And Society. Madridge J Behav Soc Sci. 2023; S1(1): 1-6. doi:10.18689/mjbss-s1-001   
  2. Penney D. Exploring Numberland. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2022; S1(1): 13-18. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-013   
  3. Penney D. A Penny for your Thoughts. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2022; S1(1):19-25. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-014   
  4. Penney D. Why Solving Cosmic Inflation Could Change Your Mind. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2022; S1(1):1-6. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-011   
  5. Penney D. Understanding Everything Means Understanding Nothing. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2022; S1(1): 7-12. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-012   
  6. Penney D. Can Affordances Save Civilisation?. Mind & Society. 2021; 20(1): 107-110. doi:10.1007/s11299-020-00265-x   
  7. Penney D. Organising Organisation. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2023; S2(1): 26-32. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-014   
  8. Social Engineering: The Concept Behind The E.U., U.S., China and Australia. Madridge J Behav Soc Sci. 2023; S1(1): 7-13. doi:10.18689/mjbss-s1-002   
  9. Penney D. Social Engineering: The Context behind The E.U., U.S., China and Australia. Madridge J Behav Soc Sci. 2023; S1(1): 14-21. doi:10.18689/mjbss-s1-003   
  10. Penney D. Propaganda: A Relativity Used By The Other Side. (An unpublished paper)   
  11. Penney D. Management as a Science. (An unpublished paper)   
  12. Penney D. Do We Need To Die? (An unpublished paper)