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Editor Name: Jianrong Shi

Designation: Professor

University: National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Country: China


Dr. Jianrong Shi is a Professor and researcher in stellar astrophysics at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His main research interests are the physics of stellar atmospheres, fundamental stellar parameters, chemical abundances and non-local equilibrium line formation. Now he is an Operations Manager of the LAMOST.

He did his MS in Astrophysics from 1992-1995 at Peking University, Beijing, China; Ph.D. in Physics from 1995-1998 at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Main Scientific Interests:

Dr. Jianrong Shi’s main research interests encompass stellar astrophysics, the origin of the chemical elements and the formation and evolution of the Galaxies. In particular, his work focuses on accurately determining the chemical composition of stars. By observing stars of different ages and locations, we can thereby uncover for example how stars forge the different elements by nuclear burning and how a galaxy like our own Milky Way has evolved with time since its formation. His recent work focuses on accurately determining the abundances of Li, Mg, Ca, Ba and Eu etc from the LAMOST medium resolution spectra.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision